Charitable Planning Tools

Charitable Planning Tools for Your Estate Plan

There are several charitable tools that are often incorporated into estate plans. These tools can yield some dramatic tax advantages. They are described briefly below. Because of your interest in Evangelism Explosion International, we hope you will consider providing a gift to this ministry. That decision, of course, should be based on a belief that it is God's plan of stewardship for you and your estate.

"... but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.” Matthew 6:20

Charitable Gift Annuity (CGA)

Charitable Remainder Trust

Charitable Lead Trust

Testamentary Charitable Lead Annuity Trust

Estate Tax Deduction

Transfer of Appreciating Property

PhilanthroCorp's services are provided at no cost to you, as a donor of Evangelism Explosion International. It is their philosophy to assume a servant's role in this process, seeking to be a blessing to you. Learn how to get started (click here)

To request a phone conference with one of PhilanthroCorp's estate planning specialists, call 800-876-7958 ext. 2127 or email (click here)

Wills & Trusts Teleconference | Overview of Estate Planning | How to Get Started

Information on this site is NOT intended for legal advice. See Disclaimer

©PhilanthroCorp Planned Giving

Stewardship & Estate PlanningOverview of Estate PlanningCase StudiesPhilanthroCorp Estate SpecialistsSecrets of Giving WiselyWhat Do Other People Do?Your Estate Planning PrimerHow to Get StartedCharitable Gift AnnuitiesCharitable Gift Annuities